Sunday evening, given our earlier success with chick-freedom, we decided to add another sort of farm animal into the mix. We let the chicks out, under our little Japanese Maple in the front yard, and allowed the dogs to hang out as well. We were most concerned about Nori, given her love of chasing small moving balls. However, after she associated our no-word 'bah' with getting near the chicks, she steered clear and hung out in the shade of Bruce and Ann's yard.
Pig, however, has been devoted from the start. He followed them around the front yard for an hour. He herded them from shrub to shrub. And, Red, who has seemed to have had a love/hate relationship with Pig from the start, was entirely un-phased by our little pug. If Pig nestled his little face too close to the chicks, Red would run right up to Pig and peck him on the nose. Otherwise, they seemed to co-exist very nicely. Pig even sat down a few times and let the chicks peck and flutter around him. And, the chicks seemed very comfortable around him. Since the day after the chick's birth, Pig has stood in the pantry with his paws over the top of their little abode and watched them. So, I guess they have become accustomed to his presence. And, we now have a great cat-deterrent four our chicken-outings
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