Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Empty Nest

So W and I have been without our four little-est housemates for quite a while now.  The fowl little foursome have been sleeping in their big red coop and spending their days in a large poultry run on our lawn (needless to say we have some nicely fertilized grass these days).

Pig and Nori are doing almost eerily well with the chicks.  They did always like chicken.

A lady at the farmer's market who runs a slightly larger chicken operation is going to sell us blood-and-bone-meal-free chicken feed which is also organic.  For the time being, our chickens' diet is enough to make our pug extremely jealous. Every scrap and scrape of food off of our plates (excluding hot peppers and citrus) is going straight into nature's garbage disposal: the gizzard 2008.  They loooove corn.  Tolerate beat greens.  Love spinach.  Ignore cabbage.  And jump flap and fight for crickets (bought by my always-full-of-charming-contradictions-husband from Petco).

Besides my chicken home evenings, I have been studying rather relentlessly for the Bar Exam.  Which is a heart-beat-racing two weeks away.  Alas.  

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